Movie review : I, robot

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Once is enough
Movie review : House of wax
Movie review : Shallow Hal
Movie review : Scary Movie 3
Movie review : The Butterfly Effect
Movie review : Signs
Movie review : I, robot

Kick-ass summer movie (2004)

Will Smith as  Del Spooner
Bridget Moynahan as  Susan Calvin
Alan Tudyk as  Sonny
James Cromwell as  Dr. Alfred Lanning
Bruce Greenwood as  Lawrence Robertson

Directed by Alex Proyas

Genre: Sci-fi , Thriller, Action



  • Leading edge technology in 2035 makes Robots glow blue and red.
  • Plot "twist": Will Smith ends up having a robotic arm! Didn't see that one coming!
  • Jumping on the bandwagon of the "Human Robot" War.. why is man obsessed with re-creating himself?
  • Bridget Moyanahans disappointing performance as Susan Calvin.
  • Product placement from the very beginning! Just some of the advertisements hidden in the movie: Converse trainers, JVC, Audi, FedEx, Ovaltime, Prudential

My vote: 6 out of 10.
Fun to watch, impressive stunts and a great performance from Will Smith but the film is very confusing and not believeable. But then again, it is Sci-fi.


The Year is 2035, and everyone who is anyone has their own personal robots. They stay in command and are programmed by the 3 golden rules which collide with each other so robots do not hurt humans or murder, or do bad deeds for any other human, etc, etc. In other words, they are supposed to be safe. Supposed to be. Of course, they aren't..
The film opens up with Will Smith, who makes an impressive performance starring as the main role, A cop who is against all the robots, and is sure something is wrong with them and is of course, the laughing stock of his fellow cops. When the death of his good friend Dr Alfred Lanning, the creator of the newest model of robots, the NS5, rises the suspition of murder by a robot.
The film gets very confusing once you're in, and Moynahan's performance is very robot-like itself. If it weren't for Will Smiths film saving performance as the lovable hero then this film may well have been a complete flop.
There are some incredible stunts and graphics but the films few major hang ups are that it is supposed to be set in Chicago in 2035. If it was around 2100 it could have been believable, and the end of the film was a complete disappointment and left me even more confused.
