Movie review : Scary Movie 3
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Once is enough
Movie review : House of wax
Movie review : Shallow Hal
Movie review : Scary Movie 3
Movie review : The Butterfly Effect
Movie review : Signs
Movie review : I, robot

Parody (2003)

Director: David Zucker
Spoilers / Goofs:

My vote: 9 out of 10.
Best of the scary movies, theres nothing to nit pick at.


This has to be the funniest out of the Scary movies! If you've seen Signs, the ring, 8 mile, the matrix and the rest of the films they parody then its even better. Its hard to pin the funniest part of the movie, but there are a few;
The wife crash scene from signs, as Tom is walking past Sayaman when he calls out, "Tom, I'll need a ride home."
Tom is talking to the Sheriff and in every scene her hat keeps getting bigger.
Everyone is outside and the UFOs come, and President Harris says, "Ah, good here are the Airforce now, with their new  round planes."
Tabitha's Voice: Seven days.
Cindy Campbell: Seven days. Oh, my God. I'm gonna die next Monday?
Tabitha's Voice: Yes. No. Wait. Monday. That would be seven business days. This is seven days starting now.
Cindy Campbell: So seven days to this very hour? My watch broke. How am I gonna know the exact hour?
Tabitha's Voice: Forget hours. This day seven days from now.
Cindy Campbell: But there's a holiday coming up. Do you count the holiday?
Tabitha's Voice: Well, that depends. What holiday?
Cindy Campbell: Martin Luther King Day.
Tabitha's Voice: Then no.
Cindy Campbell: Why not? Everybody at work is taking it off.
Tabitha's Voice: Jesus Christ, lady. I'm giving you seven friggin' days. I can come over now and kill the shit out of you if you'd rather have that.
I think those writers from Airplane and Naked gun are geniuses. There is so much to laugh at in the whole movie, you have to see it twice.

