Movie review : Shallow Hal
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Once is enough
Movie review : House of wax
Movie review : Shallow Hal
Movie review : Scary Movie 3
Movie review : The Butterfly Effect
Movie review : Signs
Movie review : I, robot

Feel good comedy (2001)

Gwyneth Paltrow as  Rosemary Shanahan
Jack Black as  Hal Larson
Jason Alexander as  Mauricio Wilson
Joe Viterelli as 

Steve Shanahan

Director: The Farrelly brothers ; Bobby & Peter Farelly


Spoilers / Goofs:

  • If he could see everyones inner beauty, how come he could only see the two guys, Pretty boy Ralph and Big li'l boy as themselves and not any other man, like his best friend or Rosies dad?

My vote: 10 out of 10.
Very very funny and uplifting.
Award worthy performances.


Shallow Hal is funny, uplifting and pleasant to watch, taking on the phrase "beauty is only skin deep" with heart.
Jack Black plays Hal Larson who, due to his fathers dying wish, seeks out woman with great outer beauty, which are typically out of his league.
One day he meets Tony Robinson, the self help guru, while stuck in a lift, and he is de-hypnotised by him to see inner beauty and believes he is irresistable to woman, oblivious to what they really look like on the outside. It is then he meets Rosemary Shanahan, a 300 pound woman with a heart of gold, and falls completely in love with her. Before happiness is reached, Hal is pulled out of the trance by his shallow friend Mauricio.
Its up to Hal to decide whether to look past Rosies outer appearance and be happy, or to go back to being Shallow Hal. The movie tackles the issue of inner and outer beauty with terrific humour and great dialogue and Jack Black, Gwenyth Paltrow and Jason Alexander give a brilliant performance.
