Do you scream and spit at the TV when you see a sequel to your favourite
film that murderers the original film come on? Do you roll on the floor crying when you hear a remake of your favourite song
get butchered on the radio? Well neither do I, but I still get pretty god damn irratated! How come people can't just enjoy
things once. Ever heard the phrase, "Once is enough?" Have you ever heard someone repeat a joke twice because they want more
laughs? No, because no one does it, or at least, no one should, because its absolutely moronic. I first heard Poison by
Alice Cooper when my mum played it years and years ago, and I started borrowing Alice Cooper stuff from her and Poison became
one of my favourite songs, I loved it. So guess what? The other day I turned on the TV and watched the music channels while
waiting for a phone call, and some cheap crap disco techno charva shit remake of Poison came on. I could have screamed, I
swear. What else annoys me and probably the rest of the british population and anyone who has heard enough of it? THE CRAZY
FROG. Ironic as that name is because it drives me and everyone else who is sane, crazy. Not only did they not let it die by
keeping it on the TV and making people cope with constantly having to watch that TV advert and hear charvers crazy frog ringtones,
is that they brought out MORE! More crazy frog songs, dance remixes, other strange annoying characters with crap songs and...
even a Crazy frog single. That beat Coldplay in the top 10. I'm not going to go on anymore about how annoying that is, because
I'm sure everyone loathes that frog. I want him to ding ding ding and ride himself under a fucking lorry and never come back.
Seriously, its personal torture.
Films get the same treatment. Let me give you a few examples of films that weren't allowed to die quietly; Rocky, Rocky II,
Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V, Jurrasic Park, Jurrasic Park II, Jurrasic Park III, Jurrasic Park IV.... and so on. Sometimes
there will come along a prequel or a sequel that is better than the original, like Crocodile dundee 2, Ace Ventura or Austin
Powers, but most never hit the nail on the head. Sometimes crazy Hollywood decides they want to top an absolutly original
and hilarious movie by bringing out a sequel, let me tell you now, ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!
Dumb and Dumber. The first time I saw that movie, I was in fits of laughter. Comic genius, absolutely fantastic. You can
never beat the Farrelly brothers at a comedy, or Jim Carrey, and this film is by far his best. You can't beat that. So why
bother bringing out a sequel or.... drum roll.... a prequel. Oh, but they did, they did. They brought out Dumb and Dumberer:
When Harry met Lloyd, which can only make you think, "I waited 9 years for this pile of SHITE?!?!?!" Giving it a
2 out of 10 would be called very generous. Troy Miller, how do you sleep at night.


So, let me just put things into perspective:
